
Monday, August 26, 2013

How to Make a Barn Wood Kitchen Table

How to Make a Barn Wood Kitchen Table

Barn wood can be an attractive material for building furniture. It sets a rustic, western tone in recreation rooms or lodge-type settings. The wood is light gray in color and should stay natural, but you can add penetrating oil to help seal it and make the surface more user-friendly. You can construct a small table for a rustic kitchen setting with some random barn-wood planks and a few 2-by-4 studs.



    Place barn wood planks on a flat surface. The accumulated width of the planks must equal at least 36 inches. Flush the ends. Place two evenly spaced clamps perpendicular to the planks and tighten just enough to hold them together.


    Measure the width of the planks and cut two studs at that length on a miter saw. Run a heavy bead of glue along the back of the cut pieces. Place one stud at each end, perpendicular to the planks, 12 inches from each end. The glued side of each stud must contact the planks. Make sure the glued sides contact the barn wood planks to bond them to the studs.


    Screw two, 2-inch screws evenly spaced into each plank, down through the studs using a cordless gun. You don't need to pre-drill, and the glue doesn't need to dry before removing the clamps. The clamps are only to secure the planks and keep them snug and uniform against the bracing stud.


    Place two of the studs on a flat surface, parallel to each other and 30 inches apart. Place one stud at each end, perpendicular to the other two studs. Flush them at the corners with the studs on the bottom to form a square. Put two 3-inch screws through each of the studs at the four corners. Repeat to form two squares, which will be the feet of the table.


    Run a bead of glue along the sides of the studs underneath the table. Stand up the square legs flush against the sides of the bracing studs on the bottom of the table. Place two hand clamps on the legs where they meet the braces. Tighten to secure the square feet to the bottom of the table.


    Drill holes 3 inches apart through the studs on the feet into the bracing studs. Insert 3 1/2-inch screws into the holes and tighten with the cordless gun. Remove the clamps. Allow a minimum of one hour for the glue to dry. Stand the table upright.


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