
Friday, October 25, 2013

How to Clean Italian Furniture With a Rough Laminate Surface

How to Clean Italian Furniture With a Rough Laminate Surface

Italian furniture with a rough laminate surface is fairly common, particularly in contemporary designs, where laminate is used because of its sleek appearance and easy day-to-day maintenance. However, it is imperative that you clean laminate appropriately to avoid damaging the finish or leaving streaks on the surface. Although laminate is quite sturdy and can stand up to much abuse, improper cleaning can cause the surface to look marred and old before it should. Does this Spark an idea?



    Wipe the surface down with a lint-free cloth or sponge with clean water.


    Make a 50-50 mixture of distilled water and dish soap in a clean container or spray bottle that has never been used or contained abrasive chemicals that could damage the laminate surface.


    Pour a small amount of the dish soap and distilled water mixture onto a clean rag and wipe down the laminate surface if clean water did not remove spots or debris on the surface.


    Wipe the area off with a clean, dry rag in a straight line. This will help to prevent streaking on the top of the furniture.


    Wash difficult stains with the distilled water and soap mixture and a soft-bristled brush if soap and water alone did not remove spots. This might take several attempts for difficult spots caused by acidic items such as coffee or tea.


    Clean the area with a light mixture of baking soda and water with a soft-bristled brush if the brush and soap and water mixture did not remove stains. Do not exceed 15 to 20 strokes before wiping the excess baking soda and liquid up with paper towels or a clean cloth.


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