Country themed furniture has a rustic and used feel that is charming and not at all tacky. A regular table can be transformed to appear country-like and rustic. Many individuals use a country wood table for kitchen tables, accent tables, and hallway or foyer tables. The trick to making a table in the rustic or country style is to use rustic wood pieces that make the piece appear as they were made out of necessity, using only available wood pieces, while still making the piece look attractive.
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Use all pine or cedar pieces to make up the wooden structure of your country table. Pinewood has an incredibly country feel due to the knottiness, grains, and various wood colors in a single piece. Additionally the wood is soft and easy to mar to create a used and rustic appearance characteristic of country tables and other furniture.
2Cut the pine slabs into pieces measure 6-feet long, these slabs will be sat together to create a slat board tabletop. Measure the length of each piece then use a pencil and carpenter's square to mark straight lines across each slab and then cut the pieces. Cut the 2-inch by 4-inch pieces at this time as well; you need to cut five pieces measuring 3-feet and 2-inches and two measuring 6-feet long.
3Lay two of the 2-inch by 4-inch by 3-feet and 2-inch pieces on your work area floor; lay the pieces parallel and 6-feet apart from the outer edges. Place a third piece equally between the two pieces and then sit all of the cut pine slabs perpendicularly across the three pieces. Drive the skinny nails down through the pine slabs and into the 2-inch by 4-inch pieces; place at least one nail at each intersection between the pine slabs and 2-inch by 4inch pieces.
4Stop hammering when the nails are sticking one-fourth of an inch above the wood; use a nail set to hammer the nails down below the surface of the wood. Repeat this for all nails your drive into the wooden country table throughout the rest of the building process.
5Slide the two 6-feet long 2-inch by 4-inch pieces underneath the piece and drive nails down through the pine slabs into the 6-feet long pieces. Repeat this for the remaining 3-feet and 2-inch pieces at the shorter ends of the tabletop.
6Have an assistant hold the top you constructed in the previous steps up on one 2-inch by 4-inch side while you position posts in the corners of the underside of the table. Drive nails down through the tabletop and into the leg posts.
7Weather the table to make it look like a country table by hammering and pounding the table surface and edges. Sand the table and then paint or stain the tabletop and legs. Allow the paint or stain to dry before use.
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