
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Official Air Hockey Rules

Air hockey tables are staples at most arcades and family fun centers. But there is a more serious side to the sport, one that involves tournaments and official rules. For anyone looking to take part in an official tournament, be sure to peruse all of the USAA's official rules, but for casual play these basic official rules apply.


    Players are allowed to stand at any point around the table as long as they remain on their respective sides of the centerline.

Using the Mallet

    Each player can only play with one mallet at a time. The puck can be struck with any part of the mallet.


    A player must hit the puck into the opposing players goal where it must remain for the goal to count. Each goal is worth 1 point. After a goal, the player scored upon has 10 seconds to put the puck back into play.

Time Outs

    Players are allowed one time out per game. The time out may last no longer than 10 seconds, and may be taken only when the puck is in that player's possession. A clear indication of a time-out must be made to the referee.

Winning the Game

    The first player to reach 7 points wins the game. After each game, players must switch sides of the air hockey table.


    "Topping" or placing the mallet on top of the puck to stop it or slow it down, is not allowed.


    "Palming" is when any part of the player's hand, body or clothing touches the puck, and this results in a foul.


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