From place cards to table numbers, table top signs are a classy way to note who, and what, goes at the table. From formal weddings to casual dinner get togethers, any event can benefit from beautiful tabletop signs. These instructions will let you create fully customizable table signs that can provide any information you want, but are ideal for table numbers. The best part - they're inexpensive, and no one will ever know you made them yourself.
- 1
Choose your decorative font or download a table sign template. Martha Stewart provides many beautiful templates for table signs, all of which are free. Decorative fonts can be found through many online sources; some are free, and some are not. A template will be easier to use than choosing your own font, but will not be as customizable. If you have decided to use your own font, arrange the layout and print a sample. When you're happy with the finished layout, move on to step 2.
2Print your tabletop sign. Print on scrap paper to make sure your printer is properly calibrated and that you're happy with the finished look of your sign. When you are happy, print the signs onto your heavy duty cardstock.
3Cut out the table signs. If you have used a pre-made template, the cut lines should be indicated for you. If you have used your own font, you may have to do some experimentation with cutting different shapes. Once again, use your scrap paper until you are happy with the look of your finished sign.
4Place the finished signs, printed on cardstock, into the place card holders and arrange them on your tables. Your custom tabletop signs are now complete.
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