Toning tables are the new obsession for many fitness enthusiasts. Toning tables are a passive way of exercising that was originally thought up by biochemist Bernard H. Stauffer in the 1930s. Stauffer used his knowledge of physiology and anatomy to create the Induced Rhythmic Motion (IRM) tables.
Relieves Stress on Joints and Muscles
The most obvious benefit of the toning table is that there isn't any jumping or straining of muscles and joints that goes along with more traditional exercising. The toning table takes stress off of the joints and muscles.
Tightens Muscles
The toning table is believed to relax muscles that are overused while tightening underused muscles at the same time. The body is basically repositioning itself with the toning table, which improves the body's form and posture.
Improves Circulation
The toning table can help improve circulation, so it is good for people who are easily fatigued when exercising. The tables can also increase blood and lymph-fluid circulation.
Improves Posture
Another great benefit of the toning table is that it actually can re-engineer a person's body posture. Improved body posture is what Stauffer believed would benefit people the most, because it would take away the stress on joints and muscles from bad body positioning and would force other muscles to come into play.
Eliminates Toxins
As mentioned, the toning table is thought to increase blood and lymph-fluid circulation, which is important because an improved lymphatic system will carry toxins away from the cells and into the lymph nodes much more readily. The lymph nodes filter toxins and send them to the kidneys, where they are released.
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